Videos that get more Instagram Automatic Views

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Buying Instagram automatic views will certainly increase the number of views under your post. It is a great way to increase your visibility and popularity on Instagram. However, the type of videos will certainly help in determining the number of views you get. You will thus need to choose well if you are looking to use views to increase your instagram engagement. A video with friends and acquaintances only serves to get few views which are mostly from the people that know you personally.

One of the videos guaranteed to get you a lot of instagram automatic views is training videos. A majority of people are unfit and are looking for some form of motivation that someone else is going through the same weight struggles they are. It could also be videos of your diet and how you follow it. It could also be information videos that uncover secrets behind various businesses. People do not often pass up the opportunity to learn something new. The videos should show empathy such that people can relate to what is going on.

Why you should not engage automatic likes services in a company


Automatic likes service is a particular type of service that accompanies can engage when it establishes its brand online. The Internet has now become one big digital market when the customers shop for the products and services they need in the comfort of their electronic gadgets, be it a phone, laptop or tablet. While it accommodates the needs of the customers, it also provides an avenue do for a brand and company to put its content and services outside there before the consumers and make sales. This kind of duty refers to any content, post, link, picture when posted will receive many automatic likes that will portray the likability nature of a product or people preferences to a certain brand. It’s all looks lucrative and a fantastic service to employ, but it has its disadvantages that will mess the company’s goals and aims.

First and foremost, do the many like on a status, a post or link attract the number of sales achieved? The answer is no, and those are artificial like that will be converted into real sales. At the end of the day the company looks very satisfactory and likable online, but in the real sense, no actual sales are achieved. At the end of the day, company’s goals and targets will not be met.


With a brand being online, there might be a possibility of one or two people truly knowing the true nature of a company and brand. For instance, if its business that is struggling in its operations and provision of services and that is a known fact then the automatic likes will not sit well with its reputation. Honestly speaking if it’s a struggling company, its luck will not change overnight and attract many people that will go for its services and products. At the end of the day, the company’s reputation will be damaged and its name tarnished. The company will be fraud period!


Most of the social sites have a serious policy against the use of these services in their accounts.When a brand decides to engage such a service, it will be going against the social media policies and this warrants an account being blocked, banned or temporarily suspended. Picture this, it’s a company’s business account, all the services and information has been shared on it and people are now doing their shopping and search of services online. Once the account has been closed, you will loose on real clients and orders. The results of such an action being taken against and account will lead to disastrous losses of the company’s product and services. No targets will be made and can even result in a company collapse.


With the increased use of social media, before anyone engages in the numerous services being offered out there, once has to be careful and do a proper research on the both the advantages and disadvantages of these services. In this case, once a company or brand has known the above disadvantages it will be careful before engaging an automatic service.